Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Infographics - Hang on Tight!!!

Today we are going to dive into the world of infographics.  What is an infographic? Well, here's a few pictures of examples . . .

What do you think people use infographics for? How can they be beneficial? What are their limitations? How are infographics similar or different to graphic novels?

Today you are going to evaluate a few different sites that offer the ability to create interesting and engaging infographics.  There are tons and tons of websites and apps that offer this service but they often come with a limited amount of resources, graphics, capabilities within their free version.  Still, you may only need the tools that are in the free version, so then you are ok!  Also, they may want you to sign up with an email or a Facebook or Google account, which may mean you are signing up to be added to spam lists, newsletters, and advertisements either for the company itself or other companies they sell your information to.

With all of that in mind, let's take a look at a few possibilities we can use . . .

3) Easelly **** This may be my favourite based on the amount of capabilities you get for free. 

4) One that you discover!

I also really like the app Pic Collage, which isn't fantastic for lots of text, but can be fun to spice up regular photos.  

Take some time to play around with these websites and see which one you'd like to use to create your Comparison Infographic you will be creating regarding your life here in Canada verses if you lived in either Australia, Asia or Africa.

If all of this seems too complicated, or if you just like working with something more familiar, you can use the ideas from the sites above, and head over to Word, Powerpoint or Publisher and create an infographic there. 

Learning how to share information with others is an incredibly important skill. It allows you to make and share personal connections to the world around you. It allows you to voice your opinion, inform specific or general audiences, persuade others to think from other perspectives and the list goes on.

I am REALLY looking forward to what you can come up with! Be sure to reference the Writing Checklist in the classroom (and on this blog) to be sure you have all the info you need.

Good luck and happy creating!