Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Modenschau / Fashion Show 2018 - 8E and 8F

Congratulations to my former students of 8E and 8F who recently published a book in their German Bilingual classroom with their teacher, Ms. Kawalec! The book features their recent fashion show and includes both pictures and descriptions of all the latest fashions!

If you are interested in picking up a copy, please click HERE for 8E to purchase.  Click HERE for 8F. The book is sold at cost.

We hope you enjoy our Modenschau 2018!

Monday, December 4, 2017

Publishing Time

Today we will be embarking on the first steps of publishing our writing.  After you have revised and editing your writing a final time, we will put all of our written pieces in a shared document. To do this you will need to do the following steps.

Click here to open the document

Once there, go back to your writing. Copy your writing by highlighting the entire document and right clicking.

Go back to the shared document, look for your name.  Copy and paste your document.
***Don't worry if it spread between two pages. We will fix that later.  Please be sure any pictures you have are where you want them to be. We can play around with them to ensure they don't move around on you.

To create this document, I started in Office 365 and created a new document, named it and then hit share.  Next you will change the preferences to "People in your organization" to make it at least a little bit harder for someone else to mess around with! Then you will copy the link and share it with students. This can be done through email, Notebook or your classroom website. Students access this link and then add their writing.
***This is the perfect time to talk about digital citizenship, as students have access to each others' work. It's important they always keep a copy themselves in case something was to happen.  I also take the link off once we are done.

Once all the documents are on the shared document, I print out the whole document.  We meet in groups and edit together. This also gives me time to meet with students that need extra help. I meet with kids individually to revise and edit a final time (10 more times).

After the document is perfect and beautiful, we get to the physical publishing stage. I have used two websites - https://www.lulu.com/ and https://chatbooks.com/   Lulu.com is fantastic for books with lots of text. Chatbooks is great for books made mostly with pictures.

How to Upload a Book to Lulu