Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Where I Spent My Summer

Welcome Back Students! I am excited to be starting my 4th year here as a Grade 7 Teacher and am very excited to get to know all of you better! I wanted to give you a little idea of where I was for much of my summer - IN SCHOOL! I recently decided to head back to university as a student so I can definitely say I have new appreciation for student life! Fitting in all of the work, along with family time, fun time and rest time is tricky. School is easy for some and for others it takes more work - I am one of those people that it takes some work, but it is paying off. I am learning not only about specific subject areas but also how to make better connections with my students while teaching BOTH skills and content. I am excited to head back into the classroom and return to the role as a teacher, even though I will be continuing as a student online and evenings for the foreseeable future. Here's to a fantastic year!

Mrs. Steinhoff