Friday, March 27, 2020

Happy Spring Break - As happy as it can be . . .

Hello Everyone,

Usually the Friday before Spring Break starts is a pretty fun and exciting time. We often have Culturama, maybe a dance or a talent show, and bunch of other fun things planned to fill our week. This week was obviously very different as we worked to get everyone used to learning online and remotely as best as possible. Thank you so much to all of the students and parents who have reached out, worked on assignments, chatted, and connected. Next week is technically Spring Break but as I'm sure is the case for all of us, our days are going to look quite different.

Over the break, be sure to take a break from work but if you feel like working on some school work helps you pass the time, go for it. There is no pressure to get anything done or handed in next week.

I will check into Teams periodically to help those who may need it as I will most likely need a distraction too.

Take care of yourselves and your family, get lots of time outside, practice social distancing and wash those hands!

♥, Mrs. Steinhoff

Thursday, March 26, 2020

How to Listen to Your Work in Word

Hello Everyone!

As you are working on online documents, you many want to try this strategy to make sure your work sounds the way you want it to! It is especially helpful when we are learning remotely.

Take a look at the video and please leave a comment below if you think this is something you might find useful in your classroom!

Click here for the video if the one below does not work :)

Some Words of Wisdom from Chris Hadfield

Hello Everyone,

This morning while watching CBC I saw an interview with Chris Hadfield - Canadian astronaut, scientist, musician and all around "good guy" ! Though I am still looking for that specific video, it did reference a message he posted on Youtube that I want to share with you below. 

Please watch the video and leave a comment as to something you may decide to do today that you usually wouldn't have time for.  What is something you could learn about, try, begin or finish?

This will be cross posted in Teams but please feel free to comment here, in Teams or in both!

I am still thinking about what I am going to try but I'm planning on making a school related goal and and a life/home related goal and I encourage you to do the same!

Mrs. Steinhoff


Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Hello Everyone :)

Hi Everyone!

How are you doing? Let's all take a breath together. Parents and students. This is a BIG change from our regular days. As a teacher, parent and student (yes, I am also a university student right now) I can empathize with the challenges you are facing in terms of staying engaged in academic learning, never mind the day to day worries of finances, child care, bills etc.

Please know that I get it! This post is to say hello and to ask how you are doing. It is also to ask if you have accessed the online learning and Microsoft Teams. The 7ABC teachers have posted some links and assignments you can work on. Do what you can and do not be bogged down by the logistics of it all. There is a chat function in TEAMS and all of your teachers are her to talk with you to help you figure things out.

If you are finding some time to spend reading, writing, and learning at home, that is what matters. I understand many of you may be taking care of siblings or other children, performing more chores and learning "life skills". Those things are ALL so important! Hopefully you have been able to carve some time for yourself to spend on some academics this week.

As a teaching team, we have created a quick check in to see if you are accessing the online learning.

7A - you can access it here 
7B - you can access it here
7C - you can access it here

Please reach out through email or chat on TEAMS if there is any way we can help :)

Mrs. Steinhoff and your 7ABC Teachers :)

Monday, March 23, 2020

Friday, March 20, 2020

The World's Perspective - I am Poems

Hello Everyone,

Please enjoy these incredibly poignant poems written by my students. They range in perspectives as related to the current global health crisis. If you would like to submit a poem as well, please so so by leaving it in the comments below and I will add it to this post.  Thank you.

I Am the News 
By Ella 

I am the news 
I see everyone looking lost, knowing not what to do next 
I hear their words of fear from every direction 
listen, I hear the quiet around the broadcast center it's as if I'm wearing ear plugs 
I’m told everything but not trusted fully 
I am the news 

I am Kevin Durant 
By Gavin 

I am Kevin Durant 
I wonder if I will get to play basketball again 
I see the doctors testing me  
I hear the doctors in the lab like bees in a bee’s nest 
I smell lots of hand sanitizer 
I worry about my health in the fearing future 
I feel not too bad 
I am Kevin Durant 

I am Ella
I am worried for my health 
I wonder how much longer it will be until a cure is found 
I hear news of more and more people getting sick 
I see people not taking precautions to stay healthy 
want to know how much longer this craziness will last 
I am Ella 

I am a Retail Worker/Grocery Store Clerk 
by Ella
I am worried someone I help may be carrying the virus 
I wonder why others think it a good idea to fight over a little thing such as toilet paper 
I hear the scanning sound every time I scan an item  
I see people stocking up on items 
I want the stress that comes with this to stop 
I am retail worker/ grocery store clerk 

I am a Worried Mother 
by Sara
I don’t know what to do 
I want my kid to learn but I want him/her healthy too 
I wish we could go back to when everything was normal before this peaking pandemic 
I read all about the deaths and the people infected on the national newspaper  
I hear that only 13% of the regular students are going to school  
I see everyone freaking out like the world is going to end 
I know that people have died  
I wonder why people have decided that toilet paper is their top priority not food 
I see everyone rushing to get things like it’s the last one in the world 
  I am a worried mother 

I am Donavan Mitchell 
By Eli 
hear all the raging rumors about the virus 
I wonder when I will get out of this quiet quarantine  
I want to get out of isolation 
I see the news filled like a mall on black Friday with news about new cases 
I stress about my wife and family 
I feel all the strong support from the Basketball world 
I worry about when this virus will end 
I am Donavan Mitchell 

I am a Lonely Friend  
I wonder how I am going to get though these lonelweeks without my friends 
I hear people saying that we could have no school till September 
I see my friends wanting to be in school every last second like a bunch of hungry people getting one last meal before going a very long journey  
I want to go to school and have a class filled with lively laughter   
I am a lonely friend    
By Isabella