Thursday, June 15, 2017

Summer Stories - Publishing Time

Click on the link below
Summer Stories

Go to your numbered page

Put in your title in the top box

Put your story in the bottom text box ****TAKE OUT THE BULLET!*****

Fancy it up!

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

What if summer was only a day long? What would you do?

As we all know summer is around the corner which often gets us excited for the many things we will be doing! My family and I enjoy heading to a cabin near Gimili. We go with 5 other families and plan meals and trips to the beach together.  It is probably my most favourite thing to do in the summer.

I also enjoy biking, heading to the park, and going for ice cream.  One of my most simple pleasures is having a slurpee and all dressed chips on our deck while the kids play in the sprinkler.

Today we will think and write about some of those special summer moments. In the next few classes we will turn one of those moments into a short story.  We will also be reading another short story about summer, but with a twist.

Let's get started - What if summer was only a day long? What would you do? What are your favourite summer moments?

All Summer in a Day by Ray Bradbury

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Making Tough Choices - Are We Better Equipped?

During our Project 11 studies we have been presented with multiple scenarios that may challenge us along with multiple solutions we can use to help us. Today we will watch a quick video to think about how we are now better equipped to handle day to day challenges that can be both big and small. Then, we will read a book that tells us that though we are all different, we all have something special to offer. Finally, we will finish off by reflecting on our Project 11 learning. Let's begin!

Monday, June 5, 2017

The Case for Optimism on Climate Change

As we have heard Bill Nye explain, climate change is real and it is changing our planet.  Most world leaders recognize that humans have a direct impact on the Earth's environment and are working together to do something about it.

One outspoken environmental advocate is Al Gore, former Vie President of the United States, who continues to spread his message about the human impact on plants, animals and humans themselves.  Today we will take the skills we've practiced by taking sketchnotes while watching a Ted Talk - a fantastic way to learn bout the viewpoints of others while critically thinking about important world issues.

Let's get started!