Monday, April 3, 2017

It's time for WAFFLES!

Today we will be making Belgian Waffles!! They are easy and delicious! First let's learn a few interesting facts about Belgium!

Quick Facts about Belgium

  •  The official name of Belgium is the Kingdom of Belgium.
  • Belgium shares a land border with 4 countries including France, Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. 
  •  Belgium has a population of 10.5 million people (10,444,268) as of July 2013. Covering an area of just 30,528 km² (11,787 mi²), Belgium is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. 
  •  French fries are believed to have been invented in Belgium not France. 
  • Belgium is world-famous for waffles. There are 3 main types of Belgian waffles, the most common is Liege waffles which are eaten like a cookie, Brussels waffles are larger and lighter in color and eaten with toppings such as strawberries or ice cream, while galettes are thin, soft and usually eaten for breakfast with jam.
To begin, lets watch a quick demonstration! 


This recipe is very simple to follow because it uses a pancake batter as a base! Let's get started!

 Things to watch out for . . . .


We need to use butter EACH time to grease the iron so the waffles are crispy on the outside and can easily be removed.  Use ONLY a 3/4 cup each time.

Once your waffles are made, you can enjoy them with syrup, whip cream and berries!

Be sure to clean up your area once you are done so the next group can enjoy making waffles too!

Be sure to say thank you to all of the adults helping out today.

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