Monday, March 12, 2018

What are topics you like to write about?

What are topics you like to write about? What have you always wanted time to write about but haven't ever had the chance? What have you wanted to write and have your classmates read? Today we will be starting our "Group Journals". These journals get to be about ANYTHING YOU WANT (within reason!) and are shared with your classmates.

 Here are the rules.

1) Try to stick to the topic of the book. If you feel like you want to start a new journal, you can!

2) While you can write about different people in the book, you want to remember that anyone, including me has the opportunity and access to read this. Just like being good digital citizens and thinking about what we post online, we need to think about our audience - each other - and anyone else that may come across our writing.

3) Always date your writing! If you are continuing a topic, please be sure to still date your newest passage.

4) Publish! If something you are writing is extra special, or you have a specific audience you want to share it with, publish it! We will have a Writing "Wall of Fame" at the back of the room as inspiration for each other! So before we begin, let's make a list of topics!

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