Friday, June 1, 2018

Decomposers - The Beginning, Middle and End!

Over the past few weeks we have been discussing ecosystems and more recently, food pyramids. We know that food pyramids are a visual representation of how plants and animals interact and depend on each other to ensure their sustainability. We probably have a good understanding about plants and animals, but we are now going to focus on a sometimes lesser known aspect - Decomposers. We will take notes while watching some videos to see that examples of decomposers are fungi and bacteria. You also see that these decomposers can be very tiny - even microscopic! Let's take a closer look!

Today you will choose a type of decomposer and begin a research project identifying it's characteristics. After you have a good understanding of your decomposer, you will create a short comic strip with speech bubbles to depict "A Day in the Life!"

Later we will be looking soil samples to see if we can find any of these decomposers in action!

To start, let's look online to make a list of possible "characters" for our adventure!

Fungi - Diversity of Life

Bacteria - Diversity of Life

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