Sunday, September 18, 2016

What A Waste!

Last week we started talking about how there are many issues going on the in the world that can help to make better. One issue that came up was Food Waste. I was supervising the students at lunch and notice there was a good amount of food that was going uneaten, and a lot of that was ending up in the garbage. I know in my home, every week before we grocery shop, we often "clear out the fridge" from all the "old food" but sometimes to be honest, many of the items are still ok, but we need to make room for the new. We read an article about food waste, discussed some of the places and times we have seen food waste, then watched the following video.

 Today, we will review our discussion and look at ways people in the world are making a difference to reduce the amount of food we waste.


 What are ways you, your friends or your family can reduce food waste?

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