Thursday, January 12, 2017

The Arrival - Chapters 2-7

Today we will continue our unit on graphic novels.  We'll take a look at our Anchor Charts that will keep us focus on our ultimate goal of writing our very own "Graphic Novel" while staying focused on learning about the elements of a story,

Let's start by looking at other types of literary genres that we can compare to Graphic Novels.

Brain Pop - Literary Genres

Next, let's watch and "read" Chapter 2 of The Arrival.

Here are the questions/writing prompts we will consider today.

1) Describe a time when you really felt lost or out of place.


2) Describe a moment you had to do something for the first time and were nervous to try.


3) Describe a moment when you you had to do something difficult, even though you knew it would be for the best.

Chapter 3


1) Have you ever been away from family or friends for an extended time? Did you find yourself thinking of them often or did you enjoy where you were? 


2) Does this story remind you of any other stories you may read or movies you've watched? How are they similar? How are they different?

Chapter 4

1) What is a food that you've tried that didn't think you would like but ended up loving?


2) What is a food you hated when you were younger but are starting to like now?


3) Was there a time you tried a new food for the very first time and either loved it or hated it?


4) Have you ever lived in a different country where you ate differently than here or have you visited a new place and tried a new food item?

Chapter 5

1) Tell me about a time you played a sport or game for the first time.  Did you know all the rules? Were you good at it? What got you interesting in playing?


2) Do you think it would be easy or difficult to find a job here in Winnipeg? What about if you moved to a different country?


3) If you were to overhear the old man talking to the younger man, what would you hear him say?

Chapter 6

1) What do the multiple pictures of flowers represent? Why was this effective?


2) What does the man send and what does he get back?


3) Have you ever sent a letter to someone or received a letter from someone in the mail?

Chapter 7

1) When you move to a new place, do you change as a person? How are you the same and how are you different?


2) If you have moved in the past, do you wish you could return to where you once lived?


3) If you have never moved, is it something you would like to do?

Dracula Ballet Music to go along with Reading

Here is the complete story, with music and sounds,

Shaun Tan - The Arrival Animation from Frederik Vorndran on Vimeo.

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