Monday, January 8, 2018

Where in the World Did You Get That?

When we head to the nearby shopping mall or grocery store we often look for what we need, find the size, colour, texture, shape, or fit that suits us best, check the price, and if we are good with it, we buy it. Sometimes we forget that the items we purchase often don't originate from the location we buy them from. For our mid-year project, our Social Studies component will be mapping the location (the point of origin) for 10 different personal items.  We will then reflect and discuss as to whether or not where things are from matters. Specifically, does it make a difference in our personal lives, the lives of others, and the life of our planet where our possessions come from?

Where are some of my personal items from? Let's take a look.  This example will serve as a model for the map you be creating and sharing with others for your mid-year projects. Beyond that, we hope through this exercise you start to think more about where the things you buy come from and whether or not you can make small or big changes that will impact the sustainability of the planet.

Let's get started!

While we are doing our inquiry, I want you to think about "What do people need to know?", "What can we do about it?" and "How can adversity, challenges or obstacles influence our environmental choices?"

- Interviews - What does "sustainability" mean to you? What stops you from making sustainably choices?

1 comment:

  1. This was very fun.


Students - Do not forget to include your first name and last initial!