Thursday, January 25, 2018

Conduction, Convection and Radiation - Oh My!

Heat is the energy that makes molecules move.  Molecules with more heat energy move faster and molecules with less heat energy move slower.  We also learned that as molecules heat up and move faster, they spread apart and objects expand (get bigger).  This is called THERMAL EXPANSION. (Text taken from the following Heat Transfer Article)

Today we will be taking a closer look at how heat transfer works.  We will be reading an article, taking notes, and making informative posters to help us when we make our solar cookers. To start, let's watch a video to get us thinking!

HEAT - Brainpop

Your job today will be to highlight the key words and concepts in the article and make it into an easy to understand "poster".  We will be working as a class to gather information.

Supplies you need for today are a highlighter and a pen/pencil.

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