Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Hello Everyone :)

Hi Everyone!

How are you doing? Let's all take a breath together. Parents and students. This is a BIG change from our regular days. As a teacher, parent and student (yes, I am also a university student right now) I can empathize with the challenges you are facing in terms of staying engaged in academic learning, never mind the day to day worries of finances, child care, bills etc.

Please know that I get it! This post is to say hello and to ask how you are doing. It is also to ask if you have accessed the online learning and Microsoft Teams. The 7ABC teachers have posted some links and assignments you can work on. Do what you can and do not be bogged down by the logistics of it all. There is a chat function in TEAMS and all of your teachers are her to talk with you to help you figure things out.

If you are finding some time to spend reading, writing, and learning at home, that is what matters. I understand many of you may be taking care of siblings or other children, performing more chores and learning "life skills". Those things are ALL so important! Hopefully you have been able to carve some time for yourself to spend on some academics this week.

As a teaching team, we have created a quick check in to see if you are accessing the online learning.

7A - you can access it here 
7B - you can access it here
7C - you can access it here

Please reach out through email or chat on TEAMS if there is any way we can help :)

Mrs. Steinhoff and your 7ABC Teachers :)

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