Sunday, March 15, 2020

Resources to Start With

Hello Everyone,

With the upcoming school closures, I wanted to create a post that includes a few resources you can use. Over the next few days we will have a better idea of what your time at home will look like in terms of school work, but I wanted to gather some resources for you in the meantime.


For ELA, please READ and WRITE. You will be welcome to take a few books home from the classroom library. I will be making more bookmarks like the ones we recently used for our literature circles so you are able to share with me me what you are reading about. These can be handed in when we return to school and we can talk about the books you've read. For writing, I have dozens of extra notebooks that you can use. I am going to provide some links below for topics you can write about but this circumstance also gives opportunity to write about issues that concern you from day to day.  You might decide to keep a journal, record your thoughts and ideas, write letters to friends and family, or write emails. I will also include some websites you can use as well.

March Writing Prompts
April Writing Prompts
Read Write Think


For French, I will provide you some links to games you can play online. I will also be copying out our next play, "Le garcon qui joue des tours" which you can read and do the highlighting activity, where you highlight the words you know and create a list of words at the back of the play.

Hello World French Games

Social Studies

You know I love Brainpop so I am asking you to check out the many free videos on the site. Every day a new free video is available and many relate to the study of people and the planet which has been our focus this year. Try out the games and links associated with each days video and make a record of what you are learning about. It is likely that I will make a post each day which links the free video and I will have a comment section open for you to answer. This week at school we will practice this activity.  I am also gathering some worksheets that will both review and extend the topics we have been learning about this year. This may include some "Where in the World" assignments. Again, throughout the week we will have a better idea of how we will proceed during the two weeks you'll be away from school.

For now, let's all take it one day at a time and I have to say I am EXTREMELY thankful that we finished up all of our essays, Social Studies and French work (for the most part - still working on getting those videos finished! We will, don't worry!)

Please check the blog for updates as I am hoping to use this as my main method of communication. There is a link on my site where you can sign up for updates so you'll know if I've added anything new.

Take care of yourselves :)

Mrs. Steinhoff

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Students - Do not forget to include your first name and last initial!